Hijo del mundo y caudillo de partidarios: Garibaldi y la política de facciones en el exilio rioplatense (Montevideo, 1841-1848)



international volunteering
political parties
Rio de la Plata

How to Cite

Etchechury Barrera, M. (2021). Hijo del mundo y caudillo de partidarios: Garibaldi y la política de facciones en el exilio rioplatense (Montevideo, 1841-1848). EIAL - Estudios Interdisciplinarios De América Latina Y El Caribe, 32(2), 74–100. https://doi.org/10.61490/eial.v32i2.1720


The career of Giuseppe Garibaldi during his exile in the Río de la Plata has been approached extensively by historiography, both from traditional perspectives, which emphasized the military aspects of his journey, and from transnational outlooks, focused on the role of the Garibaldians in the international republican-democratic movement. However, as we point out in this article, both approaches have left in a “grey zone” the intense and conflictive participation that Garibaldi and his legionaries developed within the political space of Montevideo. The study of this dimension allows us to understand in greater complexity the ambiguous status of exiles, as well as to address the problem of the political representation of foreign residents overseas.


Copyright © 2012-2013 Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe.
ISSN 0792-7061
Editores:  Ori Preuss; Nahuel Ribke
Instituto Sverdlin de Historia y Cultura de América Latina, Escuela de Historia
Universidad de Tel Aviv, Ramat Aviv,
P.O.B. 39040 (69978), Israel.
Correo electrónico:  eial@tauex.tau.ac.il
Fax: 972-3-6406931


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