Author Guidelines
Submission of manuscripts
Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format to
EIAL will consider only original manuscripts, not published or submitted for publication elsewhere. In addition, no part of the submitted manuscript should have appeared in print in another journal or in another edited book.
Contributors should prepare their manuscripts in such a way as to ensure the anonymity of the author's identity in accordance with the blind review process. All submitted articles should be devoid of any references that could reveal the identity of the author to our external reviewers (specialists in their respective fields from academic institutions around the world.)
Biographical information about the author, contact information, professional affiliation, and academic status (graduate student, associate professor, etc.) should be indicated on a separate page accompanying the article.
Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words, including footnotes, tables etc. Each article will include two abstracts (English and Spanish/Portuguese) of no more than 100 words each, together with a list of 5 keywords at the beginning of the manuscript.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. All references should be provided in footnotes, not in the text. Footnote reference numbers in the text should appear as superscript Arabic numbers. Wherever possible, a footnote indicator number should be placed at the end of a sentence.
All references should be included in footnotes and not in a separate bibliography. The following pattern must be observed:
Tulio Halperín-Donghi, The Contemporary History of Latin America (Durham, N.C: Duke University Press, 1993), pp.42-73.
Chapters in edited books:
Gilbert Joseph, "Close Encounters: Toward a New Cultural History of US–Latin American Relations," in Gilbert Joseph, Ricardo Salvatore, and Catherine Legrand (eds.), Close Encounters: Toward a New Cultural History of US-Latin American Relations (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998), pp. 4–5.
Juan José Navarro, "Cold War in Latin America: The Camelot Project (1964–1965) and the Political and Academic Reactions of the Chilean Left," Comparative Sociology, 10: 5 (2011), pp. 807–25.
Unpublished theses:
Earl Richard Downes, "Brazil's “Essentially Agricultural” Old Republic and the United States, 1910–1930", unpubl. PhD diss., University of Texas at Austin, 1980, pp. 165–6.
For references in Spanish and Portuguese, use Latin American practice and do not capitalise initial letters except for the first word of the title and proper names. See:
José Verissimo, Cultura, literatura e política na América Latina (São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1986)
Repeated references will use short form as follows:
Halperín-Donghi, Contemporary History of Latin America, p. 81.
Navarro, “Cold War in Latin America,” p. 810.
(ed.) or (eds.) should be included in these shortened references: Joseph, Salvatore and Legrand (eds.), Close Encounters.
The form ibid. is only used immediately following a note referring to the same single source.
Figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published and are included in a submitted manuscript must obtain authorization from the copyright owner, and include evidence that such permission was granted at the time of submission of the documents. The pictures, graphs, and photos should be sent in separate files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Authors asked to make changes will be expected to comply with the deadline given, according to the projected date of publication of the article. If no response is received by that date, the article may be published in a later issue or discarded altogether, without prior notice.
Submission of book reviews
It is EIAL's policy not to accept unsolicited book reviews. Reviews are published solely on an invitation basis, and guidelines are sent individually to each invited scholar.