Política de contrainsurgencia y desaparición forzada en México en la década de 1970


How to Cite

Ovalle, C. V. (2019). Política de contrainsurgencia y desaparición forzada en México en la década de 1970. EIAL - Estudios Interdisciplinarios De América Latina Y El Caribe, 30(1), 43–71. https://doi.org/10.61490/eial.v30i1.1597


This article analyzes the counterinsurgency policy and the practice of
 enforced disappearance deployed by the Mexican State against dissident
 organizations, particularly guerrilla groups, during the seventies. Based
 on the analysis of national security documents and case studies, the article
 proposes a framework that is both explanatory and interpretative, characterizing
 the logic of counterinsurgency violence in a broadly way. Additionally,
 it highlights the shifts in the implementation of that violence. This study
 identifies the particularities of the politics of counterinsurgency in Mexico
 within the Latin America Cold War process, so that it can cease to be seen
 as an exceptional case.
Keywords: Counterinsurgency; Enforced Disappearance; Mexico; State


Copyright © 2012-2013 Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe.
ISSN 0792-7061
Editores:  Ori Preuss; Nahuel Ribke
Instituto Sverdlin de Historia y Cultura de América Latina, Escuela de Historia
Universidad de Tel Aviv, Ramat Aviv,
P.O.B. 39040 (69978), Israel.
Correo electrónico:  eial@tauex.tau.ac.il
Fax: 972-3-6406931


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