This article analyzes the origin of the sports parades that were held for more than seven decades to celebrate the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. The different antecedents leading to the consolidation of this celebration and that can be traced in the Hispanic sports tradition, nineteenth-century civic parties, as well as in the modern physical culture popularized since the end of the nineteenth century in the world are examined. Likewise, the local factors that allowed its strengthening and the actors that were erected as architects of an event that managed to project the image of Mexico as a solid country capable of becoming the regional leader of physical culture are explored.
Copyright © 2012-2013 Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe.
ISSN 0792-7061
Editores: Ori Preuss; Nahuel Ribke
Instituto Sverdlin de Historia y Cultura de América Latina, Escuela de Historia
Universidad de Tel Aviv, Ramat Aviv,
P.O.B. 39040 (69978), Israel.
Correo electrónico: eial@tauex.tau.ac.il
Fax: 972-3-6406931